Cause and Smart Tips for Work-Life Balance
Smart Tips for Work-Life Balance
There are many factors that might influence the balance of time between work and other aspects of your life. Something may be under the criteria of the outside environments or other people. However, some parts are under the control of us.
Target on Excellence
Focus on quality of work. Avoid using hours or days for pursuing perfection in a work task. We can’t make everything flawlessness though you think you have time. There’s always deadline to meet required by client, especially for tender. You can’t afford the loss of missing the deadline of finishing that task and sacrifice receiving a big offer waiting at the door of your company. Set a target completion time or date for effective management. Sometimes, prolong working hours is not equal to the achievement. Excellence in work results in getting flexible time left for involving yourself in other aspects of your life besides work.
Off the Line, Get Your Time
Do you know why people started to find their need of work-life balance more since the recent decade? Yes, the modern technology makes us connected to people and more accessible from the innovation of social media. It is good we are all connected with our friends, family and people in our life. But, it blurs the line of off work time because your boss, your clients or your colleagues can request you to work for them anytime when you have left the office. Unless you are working for the emergency service job type, you can select to off the wire when you are involved in other parts of your life as parents, spouse, friends or part-time students, etc. You are not an employee 247. Don’t encourage your boss or colleagues to kill your personal time by answering their emails after working hours or during your holidays.
Shift People’s Reliance on You to Other Sectors
You have the identify of being an individual and the identify of being the relationship role with others. Your time involving the role of being an employee in the workplace will be temporarily closed after the official working hours. However, the time being in the relationship with other people in your life are all time open. How can you make yourself available for other parties in your life? As to give time to yourself, you have to shift the focus from the other on you to somewhere else. Why? Your life belongs to you. How can you be a people pleaser? Let them know you have your itinerary. Give them a chance to grow anyway.
Expectation Management
Not to over promise people about the things you don’t have enough resources to fulfill currently. People are more happy when you can get things done more than enough. The extra part you finally give out is the bonus they can. Isn’t it a better approach of adding extra value to them when you start your deal by promising less. At least, you can have the right space on you and not be squeezed by anyone.
The life is you. You have the absolute right of allocating your time in different aspects of your life with people in your life. Control your life with wisdom!