Blue Light Bad For Sleeping?

Is Blue Light Really Bad For Sleeping?

As the use of smart phones becomes an integral part in our lives, it plays an important role in our health as well. Continuously, there comes the public concern of whether the blue light from computer screens and mobile phones harms our health. Is blue light literally bad for our sleeping at night?

Artificial Blue Light Impact On Our Body Clock

First of all, we have to ask a question. What things can determine our sleeping quality at night? Blue light matters? We have to look deep into how our body works.

Right, everyone has a daily wake-sleep cycle naturally. Normally, our body clock is in line with the environment we are at. In simple words, the environment has direct impact on our body clock. So that we are alert in the daytime and feel sleepy at night.

Tests and Researches

People wonder the exposure to those artificial blue light may upset the alignment with our body clock. As from the study from the researchers from Manchester University, blue light from these electronic devices is not the main issue.

By setting the brightness to high or low and switching the colour from blue to yellow, the researchers team study the impact on mice. And the team’s Lead Researcher Dr Tim Brown said the findings matched what happened in the world naturally, with bright, warm daylight. Bright light of either colour was stimulating, rather than restful. However, blue light was more restful than yellow light when the light was dimmed.

Advice From Experts

So, what’s the advice from Dr Tim Brown? He said that the light that reaches us is relatively white or yellow during daytime and has a strong effect on the body clock and around twilight, once the Sun sets, the bluer the light becomes. The answer is when you want to avoid light having a strong effect on your body clock, dim and blue please! On the contrary, for staying awake and alert, bright white or yellow light is better.

Therefore, you can try to set night-mode for phones and laptops to reduce blue light in an attempt to lessen the damage to sleep.

Different researches are carried out from time to time. Those tests are done on mice and not human. Some researchers said more researches can be carried out to confirm it in future.

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