Inactive accounts to be deleted by Twitter soon

Twitter Will Delete Inactive Accounts

Twitter has just announced a new policy. They warned users to use their twitter accounts at least once every 6 months as to keep the account valid. For those inactive accounts that twitter detects, they will be subject to be removed. The company takes effort to clean up inactive accounts in order to let people accessed credible information. On another side, they are also encouraging people to log into their accounts more by this new rule. Users must use it enough if they want their account not to be deleted. It’s not compulsory to tweet very often. But, you should log in the account once at least 6 months.

To cope with the spam or automated pages, many social media giants increasingly identify those problematic accounts. From time to time, they have massively removed those inactive accounts who may have been used for spreading fake information.

However, for those twitter accounts who are inactive due to the death of the users, the company does not have clear way to deal with it at the moment. Currently, the company does not have specific approach to memorialize someone’s Twitter accounts once they have passed on. The company’s teams may consider something to do for this direction.

Upon the new policy, the social network is contacting to people affected, saying they have until December 11 to log on to the service in order to prevent the removal.

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