equal pay, equal pay, equality

You Don’t Really Like Equal Pay

Nowadays, it looks like everybody stressing on ‘equal pay’ for some modern systematic right attitude. It seems you are not civilized when you don’t care about the need for equality for women & men pay. There’s always hot topic about diminishing the gap between the rich & poor. You should pay special attention to race or gender discrimination during the selection of the higher ranking staff. Right? What do you think if you are someone who claims to be more productive at the same job level than others? Answer the below question.

Do you really want to be paid equally?

No, you don’t like it! Who want it at all? We have to say that ‘equal pay’ is a theoretically and politically correct term. Frankly speaking, it is a right concept but not practically correct in reality world.

To be a person of progress, you don’t really like equal pay. That means same rewards for everyone performing the same duties. We don’t want to divide people into different category or class. However, it is the pattern happened in all over the world. Think broadly, you may find it is true in many scenarios.

1. Are you underpaid when you deliver more than others?

It’s a very interesting question in the case that when you output more, it means you’ll be paid less if you are treated or rewarded equally with the same position colleagues. Is it equal pay to you on this basis? A fair deal or not to you?

2. Are you willing to stay at that equal pay as in entry level?

Do you know what kind of job usually have the regular rate of wages? In general, you should know they mainly fall on jobs characterized by short-term hourly-paid part-time jobs or some kind of jobs usually found at the entry level point. In other words, when you have a choice, are you happy to stay at the minimum level pay job?

3. A temporary or transitional period only

To some extent, some people may be experiencing a career transitional period all of a sudden in one or another reason in their career life. We are talking about the group of people falling at the society’s minimum pay, in average. The pandemic has actually stormed the economic and lots of industries are massively influenced. Social distancing and cities locked down make shops closed and people unemployed. Flights cut and restaurants opened in limited hours. People are captivated to limit the spending and global economies growth almost fall at the same time. Problems arising can be solved at a distinct time. Meanwhile, minimum equal pay jobs are only the temporary choices for some people when they are forced to change to work at some basic level job type not of their expertise.

4. Equal pay means ‘more equal’ to some type or group of people

When some people are treated ‘more equal’ than other people, it actually breaks the rule of equality! If you employ a person not according to their talents or past experiences but only for the balance of gender or races, we will make some people unequal at the time when some specific group of people are the priority selection.

5. Innate struggle DNA

The history has taught us about the common DNA that is the usual habits of human. People never stop fighting to have excellent performance than others and be the leader of groups or societies from the past. So, when it comes to the environment in this modern world, people are not satisfied to stay at the same ranking with same pay as their colleagues sitting next to them for such a long time. For survival or advancement, maintaining equal pay is obviously not the preference of many of the employers. You have to struggle and compete with others for your position.

In a new world that is at a critical time, is equal pay actually equal? What do you choose? What do you expect in the coming year? Well, stay strong and robust! Obviously, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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